Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Avoid Contaminated Water with Filtered Water Dispensers

Office workers work in a healthy environment where uncontaminated water is provided by Filtered Water Cooler. There are two types of cooler systems. One is with bottle supply, and the other is direct installation. No special staff is required to keep track of filled up water bottles or for changing them when empty. New and better innovations have come up with auto-refill system in water coolers. The water dispensed out through these coolers is completely fresh. It is more hygienic. One can easily make out the good quality of water by just tasting the water.

Filtered Water Coolers and Water Bubblers aim at supplying uninterrupted fresh water supply to the big industrial units with large workforce, on regular basis. Unlike other simple water coolers where the water container needs to be replaced frequently, water coolers do not require any such service. Another plus factor is that the space required by these filtered water coolers is simply very little. One just needs some place like that of a phone kiosk to install these coolers. You can install them in a kitchen, an office, bedroom or corridor etc.

First water bubbler was developed by Kohler Water Works in 1889. The water sprouted out of this bubbler in a bubbling manner. Water shot from it up to one inch. Water gushed out to be thrown straight into space above. Alterations have been made to bubblers since then to provide more quantity of water and better quality to the water for consumers. Today these water bubblers are also known by other names like Gurglers and Gushers. They are found at public places to quench a passerby’s thirst.

Filtered Water Cooler comes with technical system for filtration of water. Different companies come up with different filtration techniques; this should be researched upon before purchasing a system for mass usage. Some filters come with mechanism system which is simple to understand; at times the workings of these filters can be complicated also. Water coolers can dispense out both hot and cold water. For installation of the system you can contact the company dealing with this. They help in setting up the tap within an hour’s time. The tap is fitted in an obtrusive manner; no one can make out any pipe fittings within the room. This saves person embarrassment in a posh kitchen setting. Customer service is very prompt in providing quotes for the installation of these Filtered Water Coolers and Water Bubblers.

Manuals provided by the company help a client in understanding the whole process of installation and the workings of the systems. There is also information about how to maintain these systems.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Filtered Water Coolers: A Way to Gain Your Health

The importance of a water cooler which fulfils our drinking water needs cannot be denied. However, due to the ever increasing level of pollution, the magnitudes of contaminants and toxins in water are too increasing enormously. This justifies the significance of water filters to provide purified, contaminant-free drinking water to minimise the prospect of suffering due to water-borne diseases.

The irrefutable benefits of Water coolers with built-in filtration system is the most favorite choice to supply chilled and clean drinking water compared to water taps and bottles. Hence, built-in water filters in the water coolers are preferred by many people for their cost-effectiveness and convenience. Different types of water filters to address varied needs of customers are -

  1. Activated Carbon Water Filters are normally used for evolution of the water’s taste and odor by functioning in removing carbon particles which the carbon filters absorb. The carbon filters are highly used for eliminating the harmful chemicals and pesticide residues.
  2. Distillers- Water is heated to vaporise and the bacteria, minerals and most other substances are separated from water while retaining the entire useful elements in the water.
  3. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filters- The techniques applied in RO filters operate when liquids of two or more different concentrations are alienated by a semi-porous membrane. RO system is chiefly used to desalinise the seawater besides purifying drinking water too. It is essential to test the contamination level, the space availability, quantity of water cooler units required, quality standards besides several other factors prior to purchasing select a filtered water cooler for making the best use of it.

The benefits derived from using filtered water coolers are clean and contamination-free, balanced pH level of drinking water. au supplies Filtered water coolers, Drinking fountains with Filters and Water dispensers.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Filtered water coolers to quench your thirst by supplying clean and germ free water

Drinking pure and filtered water is very necessary for our health as you never know which germs enter your body through the water you are drinking and forms which major disease. As pollution is increasing day by day leaving its impression in all spheres, you cannot claim that the unfiltered water you are drinking is completely free from germs and hence, everybody should install and use the water dispensers. A filtered water cooler can do all the needful for preventing the unwanted water borne diseases and thus, can save you from being attacked by thousands of germs.

The use of the hot and cold water dispensers or other filtered water coolers is just very simple and as these are directly connected to the city water line, no other filtration needs to be undergone and the filtered tap water can directly be consumed by one. There are many types in the water filters including the hot and cold water dispensers, drinking fountain, bottled water filter and all these are being mentioned in detail at for helping the buyers in choosing one.

The filtered water bubbler or the water dispensers followed certain specific procedures for filtering the water in which initially the silt, Giardia and cysts are being removed from water. Next, the bad odour and unwanted smells are removed and then comes the turn of the viruses and bacteria and other pesticides that are mixed with water. So, everything that is unhealthy and is unbearable for one while drinking water are thrown away and it is finally made completely germ free drinkable water.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

A Filtered Water Cooler is the Only Way to Get Clean Drinkable Water

Water cooler with filter is the ideal solution to obtain clean besides safest drinking water. There are plenty of water coolers besides filters available in the market just enough for causing confusion among the people to identify before buying the reliable coolers/filters. It will better to search online wherein information on branded coolers and filters will be available.

Environmental conditions play havoc and contaminate the drinking water at various levels and it is difficult for the Municipal authorities to check and clean before supplying. Hence, it is at the consumption points, cleaning should be carried out before drinking. The basic role of Filtered water coolers is to trap and remove the suspended contamination to make the water potable and disinfected. There are several advantages of using filtered and clean drinking water. These water coolers are connected directly to the main water supplying tap and hence there is no need to have water in separate bottles. Many water filters carry the capability to dispense hot and cold water, capability to remove the entire impurities present in the water to make the water a completely safe and portable for everyone.

Many filtered Office water coolers come with water bubblers too wherein the water keeps bubbling which helps maintaining the water to be clean throughout. Depending on the budget, one can go for a sophisticated model having a number of features for use in offices or homes. In offices, the consumption will be more than at domestic households and hence bigger capacity Office water coolers available exclusively for offices will be a better buy. Check out for buying the Office water coolers and Water bubblers.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Filtered water coolers to quench your thirst by supplying clean and germ free water

Drinking pure and filtered water is very necessary for our health as you never know which germs enter your body through the water you are drinking and forms which major disease. As pollution is increasing day by day leaving its impression in all spheres, you cannot claim that the unfiltered water you are drinking is completely free from germs and hence, everybody should install and use the water dispensers. A Filtered water cooler can do all the needful for preventing the unwanted water borne diseases and thus, can save you from being attacked by thousands of germs.

The use of the hot and cold water dispensers or other filtered water coolers is just very simple and as these are directly connected to the city water line, no other filtration needs to be undergone and the filtered tap water can directly be consumed by one. There are many types in the water filters including the hot and cold water dispensers, drinking fountain, bottled water filter and all these are being mentioned in detail at for helping the buyers in choosing one.

The filtered Water bubbler or the water dispensers followed certain specific procedures for filtering the water in which initially the silt, Giardia and cysts are being removed from water. Next, the bad odour and unwanted smells are removed and then comes the turn of the viruses and bacteria and other pesticides that are mixed with water. So, everything that is unhealthy and is unbearable for one while drinking water are thrown away and it is finally made completely germ free drinkable water.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Filtered Water Cooler Ensure Water Filtration Along with Water Purification

The common objective of water filter and the purifier is to supply clean and hygienic water though the two methods deliver diverse outcome. Hence, it is vital to assess the competencies of the systems separately. A regular water filter functions in a way different than the purifier since natural water has the presence of natural minerals with traces of elements.

A tap water purifier has both the advantages and demerits. Drinking water comprising minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium is the backbone of excellent well-being. Studies revealed that drinking mineral water lacks several minerals resulting in premature ageing on the epidermis and in certain cases can even cause cancer over the long run. To ensure the wellbeing and also considering the cost, people buy filters and separators. Faucet water comprising granular carbon or carbon block filter technique is not only successful but also cost effective.

Drinking water fountain comes either with continuous running water or with a tap to control the out flow of water as per the requirement. The Drinking Water Fountain comes with inbuilt purification systems to purify the water. With water fountain supplied by Unlimited Water, the users will be rest assured about the purity of water.

Water Bubblers is another innovation conceived to purify water. It is working on the principle that when the water is allowed to agitate under gravity within a closed chamber or a transparent container, it helps itself to get free from the germs which will ultimately get filtered before entering the dispensing offers its amazing drinking water cooler systems for making the water safe for drinking.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Learn the ways to keep your bottled water cooler clean

If you are using  bottle water then you should have no doubt and confusions regarding the purity of your water as the bottled water remains quite clean and bacteria free and these are bottled after going through all sorts of filtration and bacteria tests. However, the things that you can have in your hands in order to ensure to drink pure and cold water is to make arrangement for a good and reliable and a reputed branded bottled water cooler. The only thing you will need to take care of is how to keep your bottled water cooler clean and the steps for that are pretty easy.

While buying the filtered water cooler, always make it sure, that you are making your purchase from a reputed brand. Moreover, as these are available to be taken on rent as well, you should prefer to choose the known suppliers. There are different types of hot and cold water dispenser and you can get one with all the packages included. One must-have package with the Bottled water cooler is that an engineer, provided he is WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) trained, should come for regular visit and check the water cooler. He can keep the cooler clean and bacteria -free by practicing regular checks.

Also, you must notice certain important factors like storing the water cooler in a dry and hygienic place and most importantly, it should be away from anything that releases any chemicals, radiation or bacteria. The drip tray of the hot and cold water dispenser should also be regularly cleaned as there are chances of germs taking birth in a dirty tray. You will, however, be happy to know it that offers a variety of bottled water options and germ free Office water coolers for you to keep you healthy.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Drinking Water Fountain is an ideal mode for getting safe and pure drinking water

Are you looking for some safe and better types of water purifier to ensure pure drinking water supply to your employees for their better health? Together with caring for the decorum and interior of your organization, you can also manage to maintain an international standard in supplying pure drinking water to your office staffs for which you would just need to install drinking water fountains. Although water taps have been installed in many places to provide water supply to the office staffs or to the students in the educational institutes, these are not the safer means of drinking water. Often it is found that the water tanks and the water pipes are bacteria prone and build contaminated conditions due to fungus and algae. So, the drinking fountains are better types of water dispensers to be installed in the organizations and institutions.

Surfing through the reliable and widely visited online purifier selling and other info sites will let you get a good idea on the drinking water fountains and the can guide you well in finding one. On ordering for it, the drinking fountains will be delivered at your home. As these water dispensers come in different sizes, types and colours, you can have a wide range of options to choose from and interestingly, apart from working as a water purifier it will add to the decorum of your household or the office as well. These also come in plastic and fibre types and are installed properly whenever and wherever you want by the suppliers.

Moreover, on giving a little attention, you only will be able to learn the complete process of installing the water fountain and that will let you keep changing its location in your house.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Just a few steps to facilitate spring water at office

Presently it is mandatory to facilitate drinking water to the employees, actually the different quality control authorities now consider it as an important parameter that a company needs to accomplish. In Australian weather it is necessary to drink ample of water, this ensures hydrated body. From big cities to small towns, whatever size of the office might be, facility of drinking water must be provided. So, for each business or corporate establishment it is a challenge to find out the right water coolers for arranging Office Water.

To arrange bacteria and germ free drinking water it is best to do some level of self research. Just by checking the web portals we can find different water coolers which are sold online. Actually there are few basic parameters while selecting water coolers. In advertisements many of the water cooler companies might ensure that after filtration spring water comes out but in practice things are different. It is wise to check whether the office water cooler comes with reverse osmosis facility or not. All minerals are not harmful for our body, few of the minerals are highly detrimental, and water filters with reverse osmosis facility filters in such a way that the harmful particles are filtered and the useful minerals are allowed to percolate.

There are articles for acquiring more knowledge, the process of filtration, quality of the filter; durability etc. can be further explored by punching in the toll free customer care numbers. Many of the office water cooler and water filter manufacturers offer free delivery and fitters. Alluring water coolers and water filters are on offer, to motivate and keep employees fresh it is best to fit a water cooler as early as possible. Most of the Australian water cooler providers offer free delivery across all regions of Australia.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Water Cooler: Ensure safe water to keep your health fit and fine

Drinking fresh and uncontaminated water is need of the body because it keeps your body fit and fine. In the many parts of the Australia that has desert vegetation so most of the office and homes are having highly capable and effective water cooler to ensure pure and fresh drinking water.  Intake of pure and fresh water not only helps you in refreshing you but also keep your digestive active and healthy.  

Providing filtered water is extremely essential because the workers find it encouraging drinking some fresh water and getting back with better attentiveness and double energy. It is very important to remove the repetitiveness and over load of work so workers love to exchange some words with their colleagues around the water filtration system but aim of installing water cooler is not to provide entertainment but its aim is to provide safe and clean drinking water.

Since, filter purify or cool the water when inter in water cooler so cleaning pipe of cooler is not possible so for dealing dirtiness of pipe of cooler change it at the regular interval of time for getting entirely pure and fresh water which is very important for keeping yourself fit and fine. Because of easy available of water coolers and it effective function, drinking water is now found in almost every part of the community centers, markets and streets.

The installation process water cooler is so simple and easier that even a non-technical person without help of technician by reading manual can install it. There are various manufacturers which also provide you free installation of water coolers if you buy the same to their outlets in all parts of Australia. It is just necessary to ensure that there remains the main water supply.

If you are making your mind get install cooler, then it would an exciting idea for you to install the cooler very near to the main supply because it decrease the piping costs. You can also choose and also pick water cooler online because there are several companies in Australia offer plumbers and once the water filter is delivered through courier. The work of these plumbers is to ensure the smooth functioning of your water filters.

After installation of water filter is very essential to ensure that it is functioning properly. In case your cooler have any problem it would be best for you consult technician provided by companies and avoid taking services of other service providers which may ask for hefty payment and also you lose the chance of claim of warranty from your concern company.

Also always buy water cooler or filter only from very reputed companies which exist in the market on the ground of offering quality products and services at the reasonable prices because there are number of fraudulent are waiting in the market to deceive you by offering uncertified and duplicate water coolers. So be careful of fraud companies. 

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Advantages Of Bottled And Bottle Less Water Coolers

When you think of installing a water cooler in office or at any other place, you generally have two choices to make. You would be picking up either a bottled or a bottle less water cooler. Both these types of the dispensers have their own advantages. But you can settle for the one that suit to your office or other place. Have in mind the cons also of both the types so that you can make a good and useful choice.

Today water coolers have acquired a stylish look and they are sleek in appearance as compared to the bulky stuffs of past. The dispensers today are having many new features to make life convenient. Moreover, the coolers are available in all material such as wood, stainless steel and so on.

A bottled water cooler is the perfect choice usually when a plumed-in cooler is not possible to install in an office. This means that you are not allowed to have a permanently installed cooler. Therefore, a bottled type dispenser will be your obvious choice as it is portable. Its advantage is that you can place it at closer to any place where employees can frequently reach to it. Such dispensers are convenient also for the temporary offices, where tap water may not be available or is not drinkable due to quality concerns. For homes, bottled water coolers are ideal as you can take them to any room or corner of the house.

So, we can say that bottled water cooler is ideal for its convenience of moving it to any place. This option is especially suitable for the places where plumbing is not allowed for some reasons. Sometimes tap water is not of good quality and becomes a health hazard for employees and home people. But this type of cooler can ensure quality of water as you can take measures to purify the water.

However, consider the cons also in installing one such bottled water cooler. The biggest drawback is that you have to constantly buy the bottled water from the market and this may involve high costs for your office. A storage space also is what you should be looking for in office to keep jars of purchased water and bottles. Big jars of water require dedicated employees for the purposes of bringing them from the market and handling them in the office in varied way.

If we talk of bottle less water coolers its advantage is that it does not require you to handle those bulky bottles all the time. This type of cooler is known for its compact design and does not need much maneuvering as the cooler is permanently attached to the source of water for its unlimited supply. In order to dispense the water, first it is filtered and then it is cooled. This means that even if the tap water is not of good quality, you still get filtered water having no impurities in it. Once installed properly, bottle less water coolers are maintenance-free and all you need to do is change the filters regularly. But a disadvantage associated with such coolers is that they are difficult to install and are not at all portable. You can not use these types of coolers in rentals and in the places having no source of water.

So, keep these pros and cons in mind and select the water cooler that suits more to your requirement and the place.

Unlimited Water coolers are the Leaders in Filtered water coolers, Hot and Cold water dispensers with Filters, filtered water and water filtration is you can get highly established and reputed brand water cooler and drinking fountain, water filtration that produce hygienic and healthy drinking water for you and your family.